In the Schneider family, our experiences are represented by two separate yet equally important perspectives: The Father, whose views are fun but boarder on ridiculous and the Mother, whose views she believes, incorrectly, to be based on reality. These are their stories. Bum bum.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

From Bearly Stressed to Barely Stressed.

Submitted by Clayton...

By nature, Jenn is a stressful person.

What I love about her is that she is a student about such things.

She locks her issue up, processes it and then one day it is done (usually replaced by a newer more exciting point of stress).

Case and point #1.

Jenn wanted to make a career change when she felt that managing a restaurant / lounge was unrewarding and a dead end career.  She wanted to become a nurse but when you've got bills to pay, taking on 4 years of schooling while working and being a homeowner with the related bills, it is obviously a very big commitment.  She wasn't ready to make the change right away, but after thinking about it for some time, one day the switch was flipped and she announced she was ready to do it.  That was that, the stress went away.  The way she processes things is almost predictable.  I like that she doesn't shy away from the stress, she deals with it.

If there is something that is on her mind and she can go to a book about it, she will.  She is very much a student of things.  And in all things she has always been a very good student.

Case and point #2.

We were on a trip to the states and decided to drive through a wildlife reserve.  As we drove down the main road of the compound, way off in the distance Jenn spotted a black bear walking across the road.  As I squinted to confirm that yes there was a bear way up there, Jenn slammed her hand down on the lock of her door and ordered me to turn the car around.  I assured her we were way to far away for the bear to even know that we were around and that our black Neon would appear more like a much bigger bear than a package holding 2 tasty treats.  She was not to be consoled.

As I said earlier, "By nature, Jenn is a stressful person."

The next year we went for a hike in the whiteshell.  As we entered the mouth of the trail, we spied a black bear eating berries in the bush about a buffet table away from us.  Jenn shrugged her shoulders and said, "Oh well, let's go" and started walking up the trail.  Consider that issue processed.

That's my wife and I love her for it!

1 comment:

  1. I like BEaRs-winnie the pooh is one:)!!!!
    - Madelineeeeeeeeeee
