In the Schneider family, our experiences are represented by two separate yet equally important perspectives: The Father, whose views are fun but boarder on ridiculous and the Mother, whose views she believes, incorrectly, to be based on reality. These are their stories. Bum bum.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You Want Bruises?

Submitted by Jennifer
Clayton alluded briefly, in his last post, that KD's infatuation with music has lead to some disagreements in the past over my music selections in the car...I thought I should elaborate on that.  First a little history.
Clayton and I are extremely different when it comes to off-the-map polar opposites.  He is what  you could call an enthusiast...he has one of those brains that simply retains every song he has ever heard, who wrote it, who sang it, what year, where it toured and on and on...this used to amaze me.  We'd be driving in the car and he would say out loud the next lyric line of a song just a beat before the music...of course, this habit also lead to more than one misunderstanding as I would often think he was still participating in the conversation and he'd say something like,
"you're so vain, I bet you think this song is about you..." and I'd be like,
"Oh, the song..."
Anyway, I am what you could call 'apathetic' when it comes to music...I will listen to whatever is on...happily.   Not only that, but I won't give a second thought to the name of the song, who sang it, what year, nothing.  I don't even care what genre it is.  Clayton still has this totally absurd habit of asking me what I would like to listen to when we get in the car, and the answer is always the same..."Eh, whatever..."
I have an ipod shuffle, which I requested for Christmas one year, and I love it.  Do you want to know why I love it?  It's because I don't have to choose the music to listen to.  I just hit play and it does it's thing.  I don't even know what is on it...Twice a year I hand it to Clayton to update and I give him one criteria, it has to be upbeat.  This is because the shuffle lives in my gym bag and it only gets pulled out for exercising and I just can't get my groove on to "Arms of an Angel".

This was the entirety of my music collection upon entering this marriage...

...And this was Clayton's collection...

...and this...

...and this...

...and these...

Oh yeah, and now you can add to that about 10 000 of these...

So about once every two or three years I think to myself that I really should make an effort to get more interested in music and I go out and buy a CD, so that now my music collection has grown to eight CDs, give or take three.  Of course, one of the biggest reasons I don't buy much music is because I really have no idea what is already currently residing in my basement.
Now getting back to KD.  It is rather unfortunate, for me, that she takes right after her father in this department as well.  That kid has, in her little four-year-old brain, WAY more music knowledge than I have acquired in my....well lets just say...many years.  This is great for Clayton and KD when they travel together because they can rock out the entire way and they both know what they are talking about.  This is not the case when KD and I are riding together....In fact, starting at about age two, this started leading to some very heated exchanges between her and I in the car because she would start asking me to play stuff that she heard with Clayton and I would either not have a clue what she was talking about, or I just wouldn't have it because I listen to the radio in the car.   This was a typical conversation...
KD:  I want Boozes mommy
Me: Pardon me?
KD:  I want Boozes!
Me:  You want Boozes?
Me: Um?
KD:  I want BRUises
Me:  O...K...what does that mean?
KD: I want Bruises.
Me: You want Bruises?
KD:  The SONG!!!  (totally exasperated with me now and possibly rolling her eyes)
Me: want a song called Bruises?  I don't know what that is...did you hear it with Daddy?
KD:  Yeah, you have it in the car, Daddy played it in the car...
Me:  Oh, but that's on Daddy's ipod, mommy only has the radio...
KD:  But Daddy played it in the car...
Me:  I know, but that's because Daddy brings his ipod in the car.  Mommy doesn't have an ipod, just the radio
KD:  But I don't want the radio...
and on it goes...
This situation eventually got so bad that I asked Clayton to make a CD of all KD's favourites that now lives in the CD player of my car...and we're both happy...for the most part!

Yours in musical ignorance,

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