In the Schneider family, our experiences are represented by two separate yet equally important perspectives: The Father, whose views are fun but boarder on ridiculous and the Mother, whose views she believes, incorrectly, to be based on reality. These are their stories. Bum bum.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I Beg Your Pardon?

Submitted by Clayton...

The first time Jen told me to "Fob off" something, I was a little taken aback because she said it with a smile on her face.  How cold hearted can you be; to speak with such venom and still smile, to spew hatred when ....

"Well are you going to get him to do it or not?" She said impatiently.


Add star fob Verb
  • Deceitfully attempt to satisfy someone by making excuses or giving them something inferior
    • secretaries fob off most unwanted callers by saying their boss is in a meeting
  • Give (someone) something inferior to or different from what they want
    • he fobbed off the chairmanship on Clifford

OK, So now I know she was NOT being mean-to-the-extreme, but just sneaky.  Given the choice, I can live with that.

Over the first few years of our marriage, I would be having a perfectly normal conversation with Jenn or her family and then WHAM out of nowhere, they'd drop a totally bizarre saying in the middle of what they were saying.

"That went over like a lead balloon."  Indeed!

"6 ways of Sunday." North, south, east, west, right and left?"

"Born on a Wednesday, looking both ways for Sunday."  The babies I know sleep, eat and poop, that's it.

"Come leg, or I'll leave you."  I'll get your medication...

The list goes on and on and on...

When I started writing this post, I asked Jenn what some of these phrases were because I remember them as much I understand them.  They are so normal to her that she only came up with one.  We called her Mom.  I'm not sure why (maybe for just such an occasion) but Barb had an exhaustive list saved in her phone.

I can only imagine Jenn and her mother out for lunch when they spot a man with a limp.

"Jenn, pass me my phone, I've got a phrase for this..."

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